Monday, January 23, 2012

Teaching, Retiring, and a Blog


I’ve never understood the attraction of Facebook except as a vehicle for “nosey” people to see what’s up with other people’s lives.  I suppose, too, it also serves as a vehicle for individuals to brag about their accomplishments, where they’ve traveled, and whom they’re hanging out with.  Frankly, I like to keep my personal life exactly that…personal.  So, don’t expect to see a Bob Rude Facebook page any time soon.  I’m not opposed to it.  I just haven’t realized a need for it.  And, frankly, I don’t care how many “friends” I have.

I have started to think seriously about retiring, though.  After almost 40 years in the higher-education profession, I’ve learned a few things.  Some of them about the profession but most of them about my job and myself.  That’s when I started thinking about perhaps sharing some of those lessons with younger peers.  My new Dean has urged me to start a “blog.”  I’ve resisted the idea because I didn’t feel I had a focus or theme other than to write some drivel few would care about.  But if I could serve some useful function to younger faculty members…and maybe to those “not so young,” it might serve a purpose.  Of course, there’s always the danger of angering those readers who disagree with you.  But, being at the end of one’s career, there is certainly a reduced chance of retribution.  And, on the flip side, you may be able to provide some cogent advice that would help a junior faculty member.  So, the ideas, themes, topics, and whatever else you care to call them are percolating in my brain.  Some of the brainstormed ideas I’ve come up with are as follows:

Your First Year of Being a Professor…What to Expect
Unions…What Do You Get for $600.00 per Year?
Undergraduate Students
Graduate Students
The Accreditation Process…Why It’s Important
College Presidents
The College as a Business
Deans I’ve Seen
Department Chairs…After Being One
Department Meetings
Retirement Planning…How Can Bright People Be So Stupid?
Writing vs. Publishing
Community Service
The Professorship…Me vs. My Students
Dysfunctional Departments
The Five Most Important Things a Professor Needs to Know
Rate My Professor
Department Evaluations
Academic Freedom
How People Work the System
Building a Team
What’s In It For Me?
Helping Students Navigate the Bureaucracy
It’s Not a Perfect World
The Ups and Downs You Should Expect Over Your Career
Why Faculty Members Leave
The Strength of a Forest Lies in Its Diversity
Planning for Retirement
Finding Happiness in a Low-Paying Job
Finding Balance in Your Life
Adapting to Change
When You’ve Seen the Same “Innovation” for the Third Time
Professional Organizations
Why Faculty Go to Conferences
Making the Transition from Graduate Student to a Newly-Minted Professor

I’m sure I could come up with a host of additional topics.  In my personal journals, I’m never at a loss of topics even after 20+ years of daily writing.  Most of those pieces are not for general consumption, however.  A wider audience could read the topics listed above.  I suppose the primary question is “Who cares a rat’s ass?”

January 19, 2012

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